A data-focused approach to streamlined environmental impact reporting.
Public Scoping Support • Geospatial Analysis and Mapping
Data Management • Environmental Analysis • Land Use Planning Support
As a subcontractor for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Eastern States, Prospect Hill Consulting (PHC) is providing geospatial and data visualization support for the preparation of the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area Coordinated Management Plan (CMP). This document will provide updated land use planning guidance and site-specific direction for the management of resources within the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area (ONA), and any connected action. PHC worked with BLM data management standards and geospatial assets to prepare GIS-based deliverables for public scoping, alternative development and environmental analysis tasks. All figures and impact analysis reporting is prepared in accordance with Department of Interior and BLM guidance for NEPA streamlined documents – as such, GIS information needs to be presented in clear and easy-to-understand ways that enables the BLM to make informed decisions and to communicate articulately with the public.
Banner Image: Jim Johnston, courtesy Laxahatchee River Historical Society